What to expect when partnering with us


We will arrange a suitable time to meet with you to understand your unique needs, desires, goals and strategy toward you new home or investment property. This way we can ensure that you are presented with various fixed price package options before your make any financial commitment toward your desired property. 

Builder selection & design considerations

Having understood your desired home and land criteria we will source package options that fit with your desired criteria. We will work with you through the selection of the most preferred package. During this process we can make arrangements to meet in person to discuss the finer details with you. We will also meet on site at your desired land location and discuss the various house designs offered by our builder partners. Should you have any questions regarding the design, layout, fixtures or finishes of your desired build, we will discuss these on your behalf with our builder partners. Once you are happy we will finalise the required paperwork with you.

Ongoing support 

Our focus is to ensure that you remain informed throughout the journey. We will remain a point of contact for when any questions arise throughout the build process and will provide ongoing support and service to you as required. Of course, if there are any questions after handover we are here to assist. Anything within our control we will absolutely work through and support you with. We have no ongoing or built in costs for this support and contact.

The process when you have identified your home and land package

Expression of interest (EOI)

First things first, you must secure land to build on. For split contracts, the first step will be to complete an expression of interest for the desired lot that you wish to build on. We will provide you the relevant EOI form for you to complete and we will lodge this on your behalf. On submitting the EOI you will make an initial deposit payment to the builder or developer, generally between $1000 - $5000. This will be held in trust and receipted to you. The EOI isn’t a contract, just a document to let the builder know that you’re committed to working with them, and most importantly the first step to securing the land.

Land contract

Once your EOI is submitted the land contract will be drawn up. Once the contract is prepared this will be sent to you for your review and signature. You may consult with your appointed legal representative at this time.

Build contract

We will continue to work with yourself and the builder representatives to finalise your build contract ASAP. Things like build size, layout and clarifying inclusions are all parts of the process that we will be involved with. Once you are satisfied, the contract will be presented to you for review and signature. You may consult with your legal representative at this time also.


We partner with the best builders in Queensland. Our builder partners have demonstrated financial resilience through events such as the GFC and COVID. Our ongoing builder partnerships are founded upon the production of high quality and timely builds along with customer service and satisfaction. Many of our builder partners offer site start and build time guarantees. These offer significant piece of mind and benefits for our clients that the construction process will progress in agreed time frames.

Once a site start date has been confirmed we will introduce you to your building supervisor. The building supervisor will then become your point of contact during construction.

Home Warranty Insurance – all Queensland based construction includes this insurance that covers you for many issues that, while unlikely, may arise from time to time. This insurance ensures that you are protected and covered for certain losses should they arise. You can find further details at the Queensland Building and Construction Commission page.


This is the most satisfying stage of the process. After the various building stages are completed, you will complete a final walk-through inspection to clarify outstanding items. When it is time for handover, we meet with you to ensure that your first step inside your new property is everything that you were hoping for. We will support and engage in pre-handover discussions and process as you require.

We will ensure that you understand the service and warranty program post handover. In QLD you are covered by a six and a half year statutory builders warranty.

Property Management

We are partnered with established real estate agencies and will support investor buyers with an introduction to property management services for your new property. Many of our packages include rental guarantees and we will ensure your introduction with those partners as required. We’re happy to assist and be involved in as much of this process as you would like and to ensure that your property is ready for tenants immediately after handover.

Our Fees

It is our pleasure to provide you all of the above service and support, at NO COST TO YOU. There is no catch and there is no last minute surprises, or invoices.

We look forward to partnering with you along this exciting journey.